Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Zipcode Maps Broward Can 2 Cities Share One Zipcode?

Can 2 cities share one zipcode? - zipcode maps broward

My zip code is 91,401 and I live in Sherman Oaks, but it seems that Van Nuys, where I put it on Google Maps ... I'm confused ...


L.A.J. said...

Yes they can.

The actual name of the city's 91,401 Van Nuys, but the Postal Service list of approved cities postcode or Sherman Oaks, Valley Glen.

If you go to the USPS website, you can enter a zip code and enter a list of settlements acceptable to the zip code in particular. ...

Wild Flames said...

Yes you can. My zip code is 46,391, which is both Westville and Otis. If you really live in a city, it would be strange because it is more common for smaller cities in the same zip code as the major cities. If the code share, which means that mail is distributed by the Post itself.

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